

Q1. LURVE 的香氛產品是是純天然嗎?

Ans: 我們的產品不是全天然的,而是採用天然 + 合成的原料(符合 IFRA 的安全標準)

IFRA 是國際香料協會,大多數的國際 / 大品牌都會跟隨 IFRA 的安全標準,確保其產品是不會對人體有害。相反,純天然的成分還是會有致敏原,因此 100% 天然的香氛產品不代表完全安全。


Q2. 家裡有養寵物可以使用香氛產品嗎?

Ans: 可以的,但會建議是放在寵物不會過長時間內逗留的地方 (E.g. 廁所 / 睡房) 。因為寵物的嗅覺是比人類敏感 50 倍。因此,我們覺得很淡的香氣,對毛孩來說已經是很強烈的氣味喔!


Q3. LURVE 的香氛產品有進行動物測試嗎?

Ans: 我們都很愛毛孩,不會進行動物測試。希望大家揀選產品時也多留意這點,你的選擇也是一種取態喔!


Q4. 皮膚敏感適合使用 LURVE 的香水嗎?

Ans: 商品是符合 IFRA 的規格,基本上不會造成皮膚敏感,會建議將香水噴在衣服 / 頭髮上



Q5. Fragrance Oil 可以直接塗抹在皮膚做按摩用途嗎?

Ans: 是不可以的,因為這是非常濃縮的精油,用作滴在香薰機 / 擴香石上散發香氣,不適合直接塗抹在皮膚的。


Q6. 如果家中沒有香薰機 / 擴香石,怎麼辦?

Ans: 若果沒有可以擴香的物件,可以告訴我們喔!我們有提供來自韓國的擴香石,可供選購。用玻璃瓶盛載着的充滿香氣的擴香石,不增加枱面位置,也做到擴香效果!


Q7. LURVE 的香氛產品有甚麼芳療 / 藥用效果嗎?

Ans: 我們的香氛產品著重的是香氣的享受,並沒有任何護膚/強身健體的功效,大家可以按自己的個人喜好和第一印象選擇香味!好的香氣可以帶給你好心情,好好放鬆!

Q8. LURVE 的香氛產品保質期是多久?

Ans: 在沒有開封及存放在陰涼位置的情況下,是可以存放 3 年。若然送禮/自用也不怕存放期了。


Q9. 香水及精油隨存放時間過去,顏色有變深 / 黃是正常嗎?

Ans: 這屬於正常現象的,特別是一些含有 citrus 精油的產品,長期放在燈光/陽光下照射會吸光和顏色變深。因此,建議擺放在陰涼位置!


Q10.LURVE 的香氛產品的原料來自什麼地方?

Ans: 香氛產品原料是採購自美國、韓國,香水的乙醇原產地是荷蘭 (提取至植物的食品級酒精)


Q11.LURVE 的香氛產品的生產地?

Ans: LURVE 是香港本地的香氛品牌,所有產品都是香港手工製造。希望大家多多支持本地品牌!


Q12. 一瓶 Reed Diffuser 可以使用多久?

Ans: 每瓶香薰擴香瓶會附送 8 支纖維棒。

120ml 大約可以用 2 - 3 個月(會受纖維棒數量及擺放環境影響)




Q13. Reed Diffuser 的注意事項




Q1. Are LURVE fragrance products all-natural?

Ans: Our products are not completely natural, but they use a combination of natural and synthetic ingredients that comply with the safety standards of the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). Most international and major brands follow IFRA's safety standards to ensure their products are not harmful to humans. On the other hand, pure natural ingredients can still be allergenic, so 100% natural fragrance products do not necessarily mean they are completely safe.

Q2. Can fragrance products be used in homes with pets?

Ans: Yes, they can be used, but it is recommended to place them in areas where pets do not stay for extended periods of time (e.g., bathroom, bedroom). Pets have a sense of smell that is 50 times more sensitive than humans. Therefore, a scent that may seem faint to us can be overwhelming for them.

Q3. Does LURVE perform animal testing on their fragrance products?

Ans: We love animals and do not conduct animal testing. We encourage everyone to consider this aspect when choosing products. Your choices also reflect your values!

Q4. Are LURVE perfumes suitable for sensitive skin?

Ans: Our products comply with IFRA specifications and generally do not cause skin sensitivity. It is recommended to spray the perfume on clothes or hair rather than directly on the skin. If you have severe sensitivity, we recommend consulting with your family doctor before use.

Q5. Can Fragrance Oil be directly applied to the skin for massage purposes?

Ans: No, it is not recommended. Fragrance oils are highly concentrated and are intended for use in diffusers or scent stones to release aroma. They are not suitable for direct application to the skin.

Q6. What if I don't have a diffuser or scent stone at home?

Ans: If you don't have any objects for diffusion, let us know! We offer scent stones from Korea that can be purchased. These scent stones, filled with aromatic fragrances and stored in glass bottles, provide a diffusion effect without taking up much space on surfaces.

Q7. Do LURVE fragrance products have any aromatherapy or medicinal effects?

Ans: Our fragrance products focus on the enjoyment of scent and do not have any skincare or therapeutic benefits. You can choose scents based on personal preferences and first impressions. A good fragrance can bring a positive mood and relaxation.

Q8. What is the shelf life of LURVE fragrance products?

Ans: When unopened and stored in a cool place, they can be stored for up to 3 years. So, whether it's for gifting or personal use, there's no need to worry about the storage period.

Q9. Is it normal for perfumes and essential oils to darken or turn yellow over time?

Ans: Yes, this is a normal occurrence, especially for products containing citrus essential oils. Prolonged exposure to light or sunlight can cause oxidation and a change in color. It is recommended to store them in a cool place.

Q10. Where do the ingredients for LURVE fragrance products come from?

Ans: The fragrance ingredients are sourced from the United States and Korea, while the ethanol used in perfumes is sourced from the Netherlands and is food-grade alcohol extracted from plants.

Q11. Where are LURVE fragrance products manufactured?

Ans: LURVE is a local fragrance brand in Hong Kong, and all products are handmade in Hong Kong. We appreciate your support for local brands!

Q12. How long can a bottle of Reed Diffuser be used?

Ans: Each bottle of reed diffuser comes with 8 fiber sticks. A 120ml bottle can last approximately 2-3 months (depending on the number of sticks used and the environment). The more sticks used, the stronger the fragrance and the faster it will be consumed. Placing the diffuser in an air-conditioned room can also accelerate consumption.

Q13. Precautions for using Reed Diffusers:

Ans: The diffuser base can dissolve adhesives, so avoid placing it near plastic or painted surfaces to prevent accidental damage.